Matheus Tomoto

Matheus Tomoto

Matheus Tomoto is a Brazilian, TedxTalk speaker, Writer, finishing his undergrad in Mechatronics Engineering, who is working at Harvard, in professor's Martin group development new technologies using climate analyzes and engineering.

He has worked as a researcher intern at Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT, focusing on emerging technologies, autonomous submarines, advanced artificial intelligence and Wireless Power Transfer.

President of the IJS - "Inspiring Young People to Success" - social project, which reaches millions of young Brazilians, focusing on youth empowerment and the sharing of lessons learned from his experiences at MIT, Harvard and during his life of overcoming.

At Facens, in Brasil, he worked as a university president's assistant and was also the main coordinator of the B'Energy group, pioneers to develop an electric car in the country. They received the award for the third best project in Brazil in 2013 by the Society of Automotive Engineers and many other awards, including a governmental honor in 2016.

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